A Strong And Believed Worshiper I Mean Church Member Decided To Ran Away With Church Offering For Quarantining And Also For A Strong Reason And Now  Put The On The Pastor And His Church

I am A Strong Member of this church and i have been Donating Everything I Have To This Church , Even early This Year As we are about to cross Over The Pastor Announce That All Church Member Should Come Forward With There Salary As He Announced Last Service That Everybody Should Deposit There LAST Month Of The Year Salary On Next Service which is Cross Over Service , Then As True Christian He Deposited A Some Of #35000 As It Was Paid To Him  From His Company And Ever Since Then He Dont Understand What have been Going On With Him And His Job , On 13th of Feb He Lost His Job , He went To The same Pastor To Beg For Financial Help But He did Not Get The help rather a prayer Point , And On Mach 1st His wife Lost her Job Also , And Things Became Hard , Till He Went To Another church And He His Life Change as The Pastor Call Out The Jobless People To Offer them A Job Opportunity And Now He Is Well Leaving With His Family But He Decided To Attend That his Old Church To Meet Th Pastor So He Can Clear His Conscience And Tell The Pastor How Bad He Is Or To Come Out As A Person That Want To Give A Testimony And Then Use The Opportunity Tell The Whole Church His Experience With The Pastor and The Church, But Unfortunately The Police Scatter His Plan By Ending The Service With Arrest , Then he have No Choice Than To Grab The Offering Box To Get His Money Back.

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