A Report Coming from Wilson Family The Father of 2 who Traveled To Italy for a Business But because of the Lockdown he have been Quarantined by His Company in Italy .. Then on 27th April Monday 2020 The Mother of Mr Wilson Discovered that The 18 Years old Of grand daughter was Vomiting and having a little fever then The mother Requested for a Doctor for home check up because she was Afraid to take her to hospital because she was thinking is Covid19 But the Result Shork her when she Saw Pregnancy result and as they forcing her to say who is responsible for it she mentioned the Gate Man Adamu by name ; Not Knowing that the Doctor they went for a check up is a close friend to Mr Wilson and The Doctor leak the secret for his friend But he can’t control the pain but he angrily Break his Silence by Calling His Mother to Tell her what have been going on and also Ask his friend to Lock up Mr Adamu till he come back